Meeting with school principal, central office representative, and outside consultant to provide support for principal to meet the needs of staff with performance problems.
Consultation with human resource directors in the development of policies that impact the work place such as Sexual Harassment, Drug Testing and others. Policy development and implementation are a part of the assessment.
We are able to provide consultation for the development of an alternative school for K-12 by assisting in needs assessment, administrative development, board education, community outreach, staff education and structure. We could consult for schools that have an ongoing alternative school and needs to strengthen the program and schools that are considering offering an alternative school.
Trouble Shooting and Program Development: We can evaluate the individual student and the system and coordinate a plan to reduce at-risk behaviors through utilizing school, home, community, agencies, and the faith community. This approach would be an expanded I.E.P.
This service is provided in situations where a group of employees are having difficulties with each other or their supervisor. It would involve a summary of the situation and an intervention to help resolve the conflict.
Human Resource Consulting: Meeting with school principal, central office representative and outside consultant to provide support for principal to meet the needs of staff with performance problems.
Personnel Policy Development: Consultation with human resource directors in the development of policies that impact the work place such as Sexual Harassment, Drug Testing and others. Policy development and implementation are a part of the assessment.
Alternative School: We could provide consultation for the development of an alternative school for K-12. We could assist in needs assessment, administrative development, board education, community outreach, staff education and structure. We could consult for schools that have an ongoing alternative school and needs to strengthen the program and schools that are considering offering an alternative school.
At-Risk Youth: Trouble Shooting and Program Development: We can work with an individual student and evaluate the student, the system and put together a plan to reduce at-risk behaviors through utilizing school, home, community, agencies and the faith community. This approach would be an expanded I.E.P.
Organization Intervention: This service is provided in situations where a group of employees are having difficulties with each other or their supervisor. This would involve a summary of the situation and an intervention to help resolve the conflict.
Staff Evaluation and Development: Evaluation of staff members referred by administrators could be provided for the following: hiring of staff, professional development, staff member on disability, staff member that is no longer effective. The evaluation would also suggest a development plan that could be delivered in a variety of ways such as coaching, monitoring, referral for counseling, classes, reading and tapes.
Student Evaluation: Individual evaluation of students could be conducted for students with learning problems, behavior problems and other health issues.
System Wide Evaluation: Individualized evaluation will be developed to assess programs, staff or effectiveness of a new strategy.
Training programs could be set up to provide graduate credit: In service programs as well as small group consultation could be provided for staff at the schools on how to identify and work with at-risk youth in mental health and substance abuse.
Care for the Care Giver: This program assist staff in learning about themselves and how to take care of themselves.
Development of a Healthy Workplace: This program provides for individual and organizational assessment. Behavioral change strategies are designed to create a healthier work environment.
T.E.A.M. Team Effectiveness and Motivation: This seminar is designed for groups who wish to build a highly motivated, effective team committed to the collective achievement of the organizational goals. Participants learn how to create trust along with a sense of spirit and commitment. The format will use both didactic and experiential learning. It will take a look at the organizational culture and how this impacts the team. Time will be spent on problem solving. Specific issues could be explored such as managing stress, conflict management and others.
L.E.A.D.E.R. Lead with Excellence and Develop Effective Relationships: This seminar equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to assess their leadership style and its impact on their subordinates, effectively delegate assignments, increase their awareness of and dedication to the roles and responsibilities of supervision, refine their talent for praising and reprimanding subordinates work performance and developing an action plan.
Resolving Conflict: This program is designed to reduce conflict among staff after a crisis that impacts professional staff.
Training for Administrators: Training for administrators, central office staff and coordinators to recognize employees that are experiencing difficulty with their job because of psychological, emotional substance abuse issues. Training could also include techniques and practice for confronting and referring troubled employees.
Counselor Training: This program would offer the counselors an opportunity to participate in an assessment of skills and develop programs to assist in strengthening previous skills and learning new skills.
Community Building: This program is designed to assist schools to build a sense of community for staff and parents to work together.
Teaching and Learning Styles: Teachers will have an opportunity to identify their own learning style and preferred teaching style and design curriculum that are appropriate for students with different learning and teaching styles. This training is hands on approach to staff development.
Sexual Harassment: Information about the law and how it effects schools will be presented. Case management approach will be provided. Examples of staff training will be given.
Working with Differences in the Workplace: This seminar will focus on cross-cultural issues and how to work more effectively together.
S.O. S. Stress in Organizational Success: The workshop will examine the impact of stress on the individual and the organization and investigate methods for confronting and managing the stressors in our lives. The participates have an opportunity to experience both physical and mental strategies for stress relief. They are taught to draft a personal action plan for dealing with predictable and unexpected stressful situations. They are also taught skills essential to the effective management of stress.
W.E. L. L. Wellness Enrichment Lifestyle for Leaders in the Workplace: People leading healthier lifestyles are more productive, happier and able to handle stress more effectively. The goal of this workshop is to help individuals assess their own lifestyle and make steps to move to a healthier life. Time will be spent assessingthe organization in terms of wellness. Techniques for moving toward a healthier lifestyle will be presented.
C.O.R.E. Creating Organizational Relationships for Effectiveness: This program is designed to give participants a framework for understanding human behavior, an opportunity to gain greater self-awareness, and a strategy for interacting more effectively with others. In addition, it improves interpersonal effectiveness, job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The program will involve the Myers-Briggs Types Indicator-STEP II.
Effective Communication in the Workplace: Participants will have an opportunity to assess their current communication styles, build trust with the group, learn what is effective communication and know roadblocks to communication. They will learn and practice effective non-verbal communication, questioning, active listening, sending clear messages. Time will be spent role playing active listening with peers, sending clear messages concerning mangers needs, communication skills in meetings and coping with others that have different communication styles and developing a plan of action.
T.I.M.E. Time Investment Maximizing Efficiency: The most important skill needed to make dreams become a reality is the management of time. Sometimes organizations demands impact the management of time, sometimes it is ones own approach to time that inhibits getting tasks done. Through a better understanding and valuing of different styles, participants learn to maximize their Human Resources. The program will focus on understanding ones approach to managing time, and the organizational goals and priorities. The participants will learn different techniques for controlling time n terms of their own personality style and developing an action plan to make behavioral change. This program is designed for people that what to improve their time management skills.
C.P.R. Conflict Positively Resolved: Confronting and resolving conflict is a complex and challenging task. The participants are invited to apply a conflict resolution model to the personal and professional conflicts that they encounter daily. Wherever individuals live or work together, differing needs and wants will surface. In this seminar the participants develop an awareness of how these differences can be appreciated in a plus way.
E.Y.T.A. Explaining Yourself Through Assertion: Participants will begin to feel more confident and empowered to do their job more effectively as they learn assertive skills. Assertiveness skills will assist participants to explain theirselves. The participants will learn the meaning of assertiveness, communication patterns of assertive behavior, skill practice and responsibilities of assertive behavior.
Asset Building: This program is built on the Search Institute research of building assets in youth. The students in the school would undergo an assessment to determine their number of assets. A program would then be designed to help build assets which in turn would reduce at-risk behavior.
Peer Resource Program: We provide the following services for peer resource programs - program development, training of staff to conduct peer-to-peer programs, and training of youth to be peer resources. These programs could be peer helping, education, tutoring, cross-age monitoring, conflict mediation and other peer to peer programs.
Aggression Replacement Training: The National Peace Institute provides training for school staff in how to work with violent and aggressive youth. The program is designed to work with staff on teaching of empathy, aggression replacement, basic skills, community service. There is also a parent component. Curriculum materials are also available.
Intervention Strategies for Building Resiliency with Youth in an at-risk environment: This program will focus on suggesting intervention strategies that can be used in schools and communities. The program will help schools understand relisiency literature and strategies that will assist youth. Some of the strategies are taking care of you, peer programs, peace curriculum, cooperative discipline, reframing, managing conflict, home and school cooperation, building assets, norm setting, rituals, and community building.
S.P.O.C. Strategic Planning for Organizational Change: Strategic planning assists organizations in the process of envisioning the future and helping them to develop the procedures and activities necessary to achieve that future. This program is designed for leaders and groups within an organization responsible for strategic planning.
Community Building: Community groups will have an opportunity to identify prevention strategies and work on a plan to implement these strategies.
- Strategies for identifying and managing violent behavior of students
- Strategies for school communities to reduce violence with youth
- Building Assets in youth through school and community collaboration
- Strategies for teachers, parents to work with "At Risk" youth
- Specialized development of training
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